Monday, January 30, 2012

Slacker Syndrome

Some day I will not be busy with live and be able to blog everything I want to .

so my exciting new from my last blog post is that I was a featured artist on
for a competition. I was so honnored and excited that my work had been picked as a favorite.

today I am balancing homework lots of it ... so many creative ideas and so little time and I am working out and not staying awake late anymore.

I have a paper due tomorrow and a wayfinding assignment.  I have some mixed media art to finished for class which I am excited about . LIFE IS BUSY

Plus my sweet boys keep me on my toes and they are busy
Hubby is busy with his job and side work

We are excited to move this summer into a house.. no more apartment.

 Lets see .... I have some fun art I want to share I just need to take photos
 and then I can put it up on my blog that gets negletcted. ( yup I know that is wrongly spelt)

anyway that the quick update need to get back to my homework